
How to copy a folder structure in Metadrive

Having a defined template to work on and organize the information on the stages of your projects can, in many cases, be the key to saving time and effort.

The Metadrive application allows you to duplicate a template folder structure so that you can start another project without having to structure it from scratch.

This procedure can be done both in your folders and in shared folders.

The steps to follow:

1: Open the folder where the structure you want to replicate is located
2: Right-click and select «Copy Folder Structure»


3: Enter a name in the prefix and suffix. The name you want to give your project.

4: Select the folder where you want to paste the structure

5: This step tells you that you have already created a copy of the folder structure. Now just open it and modify the data according to the information of your new project.

Copy of the folder structure

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