
Add Metadata in Google Drive

Why custom properties are useful for Google Drive?

One of the key features of Metadrive is the ability to create custom properties, also known as metadata or tags.


The main purpose of metadata is to facilitate in the discovery of relevant information and help to organize your documents in a structured way in your Google Drive folders or Team Drives.


Who can create custom properties?

By default owners and editors of the Google Drive folder or organizers and editors of the Team Drive can create custom properties. This can be configured for each folder/team drive.


The owner/organizer can decide if the user with edit permissions can create, modify or delete custom properties.


For more details check the article Permissions.


Where can I create custom properties?

In Metadrive, Google Drive folders and / or Team Drives are the organizational units. This means, administrators can configure them in order to organize and manage documents properly and also help contributors and users to work optimally.



What kind of properties can I create?

You can access to some system properties provided by Google Drive documents.



Apart of these system properties, you can create your own custom properties. Let’s explain the different types of properties:



How to create custom properties?

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